Thursday, September 3, 2020

Reunion Analytic Essay Essay

â€Å"Reunion† is a short story composed by John Cheever in 1962, who was an American author and short story essayist. John frequently expounds on stories occurring in suburbia, in urban communities near where he was born1. â€Å"Living with strangers† is a story composed by Siri Hustvedt, who likewise is an American author and essayist2. â€Å"Reunion† happens in the suburb in New York, where the little fellow Charlie, who is the storyteller in the story, meets his dad following quite a while of partition. Charlie’s contemplations about his dad are certain, â€Å"He was a major, attractive man and I was horrendously glad to see him again.† (p.1 l.12-13). The dad is by all accounts an extremely bustling representative, â€Å"His secretary wrote to state that he would meet me at the data stall at noon† (p.1 l.7-8), it isn't his father who is answering, which may show that his dad doesn't invest such a great amount of energy in meeting his soon, as Charlie does in meeting his old father. Charlie is so glad to see his father, â€Å"I wanted that we could be photographed† (p.1 l.18), and he wouldn't like to overlook this second, he is extremely pleased with his father. Charlie must be in his late adolescent years and roughly 17 years of age, in the way that he can go all alone and he isn't permitted to drink. In this age, young men will in general admire their folks, particularly their father. It appears Charlie’s good example is his dad, and that isn't extraordinary in his age â€Å"I realized that when I was developed I would be something like him; I would need to design my battles inside his limitations† (p.1 l. 11-12), given these realities, it appears Charlie has arranged his future after his father’s life, so that stresses that his dad is his good example. In spite of Charlie’s age, the dad needs to enjoy a lager with him. Charlie consents to that, since he believes his father and all that he does is correct and should not be addressed. In each general public and culture, there are some unwritten principles and standards, which you need to follow. â€Å"Chop-hack. At that point he applauded his hands†, an unwritten standard is for example that you never applaud the servers consideration. Charlie’s father’s conduct is extremely youthful and it showsâ his haughtiness towards others, individuals in the lower end of the general public. Be that as it may, is doesn't appear as though Charlie is affected by his method of acting. It resembles Charlie is utilizing the expression from the story â€Å"Living with Strangers† †â€Å"Pretend like it isn’t happening† (p.1 l.21). His method of seeing his dad, is influenced of his elevated requirements of his good example. â€Å"His riotousness in the unfilled eatery appeared to be out of place†, Charlie realizes that his dad isn't acting in a typical manner, however he doesn't utter a word about his conduct, possibly in light of the fact that he wouldn't like to contend with his dad. In the wake of entering a lot of eateries, just to get a brew, â€Å"He put his arm around me and squeezed me against him. â€Å"I’ll walk you back to the station. In the event that there had just been an ideal opportunity to go up to my club† (p.2 l.73-75), his dad utilizes his important time with his child, pursuing a brew in different cafés and acting in an inadmissible way. Individuals on the cafés isn't focusing on them, since like in â€Å"Living with strangers†, â€Å"Nobody else had given the lady a first look, substantially less a second† (p.1 l.30-31), this is a piece of the imagine like-isn’t-happening law. In â€Å"Living with strangers† it says â€Å"And acting, as everybody in the city knows, can be dangerous† (p.2 l.50-51), possibly the dad would have acted hazardously, if individuals would had said something to him regarding his conduct, however nobody appears to take that risk. Toward the finish of the story, Charlie attempts to bid farewell to his father, however he is contending with a person at the newspaper kiosk â€Å"Now simply hold up a second, sonny,† he said â€Å"Just hold up a second. I need to aggravate this chap.† (p.2 l.83-84). Indeed, even at the end, the dad demonstrations in an unsuitable way. The child needed to get his train and went down the steps, while the dad contended over a paper. What is the message of this story? Do we need to expect nothing and afterward you won’t be disillusioned? The weaknesses about his father and the biased view about him and how he has advanced, have given him unreasonable pictures about his dad and finished with a major dissatisfaction. Contrasted with the message in â€Å"Living with strangers†, â€Å"don’t judge a book by its cover†, this can likewise be utilized on Reunion. On the off chance that Charlie didn't pass judgment on his dad on his looks, possibly he w ould have another view on him. So in short terms, in the event that he didn't have desires †he would not getâ disappointed. Urkund has gotten the record †Analytical Essay †Reunion.docx †03-09-2014 23:10:00. It was sent from to The archive has been designated a reference ID †D11417005.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Career in Business Management Personal Statement

Profession in Business Management - Personal Statement Example What's more, these are only the individuals who have dropped of secondary school, not to talk about the other people who have graduated with faultless IT accreditations and chomping at the bit to go. The corporate world was searching for them with great affection and honorary pathway gathering! Other than a degree in expressions, an extra degree in streams such a business the executives is indispensable to profession prospects nowadays. Business the executives understudies gain work in wide scope of vocations in account, advertising, human asset, the travel industry, neighborliness, and so on at national and worldwide levels. (Global Business Management). I am helped to remember my own unnoticeable humble community foundation. The school I went to obliged generally understudies from the lower center salary bunch families. The closest and the main school in close region was on the edges of the closest city which was around 8 kilometers from my home. Be that as it may, the school was very much run and the understudies fantasized becoming showbiz royalty one day. I was among the young ladies who exceeded expectations at examines and constantly consistently accomplished great outcomes. On account of my folks who imparted the correct qualities and propensities in me. At that point there were some dear companions who developed with me and together we came out of school with shrubs and elevated requirements. Presently I am not content with a degree. I need to practice. ... Because of my folks who ingrained the correct qualities and propensities in me. At that point there were some dear companions who developed with me and together we came out of school with shrubs and exclusive requirements. Presently I am not content with a degree. I need to practice. I am happy the schedules nowadays are outfitted towards specialization. I generally knew in my heart that administration was for me. Planning, arranging and overseeing consistently spoke to me and I have just taken in a portion of the nuts and bolts in this stream when I was in the auxiliary area. Rivalry is in my blood. I am fit for turning on the entirety of my internal characteristics to accomplish the most ideal outcomes. I have faith in initiating the better and nobler parts of ones characteristics in seeking after any objective. The advancement we see today isn't the consequence of wars and political may. Or maybe, it is the consequence of careful research and way of reason followed by men of logical vision and writing virtuoso. The course that I am going to take will take me 3 years to finish in the event that I do it full time, or 4 years sandwich.(Course Information). Convince a concurring and educated crowd to act (for what reason is it sufficiently earnest to act). Advance to ethos by introducing and tending to counterarguments or warrants. A decent armed force general will consistently inspect before effectively entering a combat area. He knows there is a decent arrangement of activity to follow in the days, months and perhaps years to come. Subsequently, he will make arrangements by getting the total picture about the hostile area and ability. (John Ellison Kahn et al). Since I am at the limit of a vocation, I am resolved to try out a decent rumored school for a 3 years or 4 years course in International Business Management. Having labored for a year in a mega

Friday, August 21, 2020

Youth Without Ethics Is a Disaster Free Essays

Youth is the future abundance of a nation. ? of a country’s Population is youth. Youth establish age gathering of 15 - 35. We will compose a custom exposition test on Youth Without Ethics Is a Disaster or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now Youth Is blessed with brilliant eyes loaded up with dreams of an incredible future, a ground-breaking solid capable bodies, minds with gurgling euphoria †this is the condition of youth. They have the vitality and force not exclusively to crush consuming circles of fire or ejecting volcanoes, yet in addition the epitome of adoration and friendship. They are like the ascending elevated tides of an ocean.But the disaster is, the place the young is relied upon to include in building a paradise on earth with their innovativeness, there we discover the disturbance of a hellfire. Youth is contrasted with a man on consuming coals. They went as far as such a state because of companion weight, stress and Disrespect to introduce social structure. Alongside age, there’s progress in virtues as well. It’s the obligation of guardians at home, instructors in school and the society’s in road to teach youth as far as virtues and morals. Since the time adolescence, there’s a huge impact of guardians and family foundation on the youth.If youth is pulled in towards fear mongering, it’s for the most part because of strict philosophical conditions. In the times of Gandhi, his basic way of life and practices profoundly affected the adolescent. Netaji’s conciliatory life excited progressive musings in the adolescent. Interestingly, values in today’s universe of instruction and business have crumbled. Youth hood begins with the theft of either a bike or vehicle and end up with murder, which is only implosion. With the expanded materialistic culture, youth is unequipped for effective development of their splendid future.Youth is the spine and the principle backing of our general public. Its establishment is in the current day. It’s pointless as well as unthinkable a solid and sound society when its establishment is feeble. To what extent with the greenery of a tree lost if its underlying foundations are not solid? Just so the current day youth remain image of unethical behavior. This age of youth is step by step going as far as a state dispossessed of qualities and culture. Principles of dress, correspondence and social conduct have corrupted. Destructivity supplanted inventiveness in them foulness in dressing revolting and inadmissible Language in correspondence makes us hang our heads in shame.They do no discourage even to go for a corrosive assault to extinguish their desire. The current day film legend and champions are their good examples. The music of present age likewise causes a ruinous impact on the young. There are surges of suicides. Ending it all has become as straightforward as erasing a message from versatile. The reason if self destruction us as minor as disappointment in affection or training, financial issues or guardians rebuking. Despite what might be expected, youth consider the self destruction as a penance or upset and cause extraordinary torment and distress to guardians. Their disposition about existence as an idealism rather than arduous excursion mirrors their soaked pessimism.The present day training can give a declaration to youth yet not the genuine turn of events. Declaration that doesn't prepare one about social duty is equivalent to a harsh paper fit for dustbin. Whoever procures an authentication can't win his work through it because of high rivalry and extraordinary, joblessness. Youth dream to have the world in their clench hand. Conceivable or outlandish is insignificant satisfying their longing is the principle rules. Phone and web culture is reducing our childhood to fit in vain colleagues. Visiting, computer games and tuning in to music in I-cases has become the every day routine.Naxalism and fear mongering is debilitating sap of the adolescent. Post present day youth, is horrendous to duties, became squanderers, choose pre-marriage premature births. Absence of objective and an objective is making them unfit for the general public. Youth is contending in turning out to be heavy drinkers. This propensity which harms body as well as psyche is wild. Free sex, and impact of western culture is an extraordinary hit to Indian culture and legacy. Demise rate in youth because of AIDS is in disturbing reach. The significant compensation in I. T. area expanded the consumption pattern. This has uncommon impact on the adolescent. The main job of youth in W. T. C. devastation and deaths of Indira Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi is a glaring case of fallen adulterated character. New youth dependent on smoking, cocaine, earthy colored sugar, gut ka, skillet parag demonstrate their humbling. In the event that this young force focused on the social works the amount more our nation would have created. Impact Of media on youth is substantially more than that of the home and school. Rehashed transmission of savage scenes negatively affects youth. Movies with topics of adoration brutality, murder have filled the psyches of the youth.It is awful to find that young hood which is a stage that denotes the finish of adolescence and start of pre-adult stage is on the track of annihilation. The incomparable idea that what I can accomplish for this nation rather that what this nation provided for me is to be developed. What is significant is â€Å"What sort of life we lived, not how long we lived†. In the event that young †a base for the past, any desire for present and dream or rut5ure, rather than being reason for annihilation, an undertaking, in the constr4uction of Modern India, India’s acclaim can be spread all through this universe. The most effective method to refer to Youth Without Ethics Is a Disaster, Papers

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Importance of Our Towns Narrator - Literature Essay Samples

In many books, movies, or plays, a writer sometimes includes an outside perspective aside from the perspectives of the main characters, that of someone who recalls specific details or events of that storyline. Generally in these stories, this is known as a narrator but in the play Our Town this is known as the Stage Manager. In Thornton Wilders masterpiece, the Stage Manager acts as a narrator and one of the most important characters of the play; revealing history of the town, foreshadowing of the story and providing insight on the setting. The Stage Manager is the most important character in the play due to all the information he provides for the audience, which helps viewers to understand the play and helps to put it in perspective for them. In the beginning of this play, the Stage Manager introduces the small town of Grovers Corners which according to him is in New Hampshire. One of the main reasons this character is the most important person in the play is because he introduces the setting. He does this by explaining to the audience directly, â€Å"The First Act shows a day in our town. The day is May 7, 1901. The time is just before dawn. The sky is beginning to show some streaks of light over in the East there, behind our mountin† (Wilder 5). Without the Stage Manager in the beginning of each scene, the audience wouldnt know what was happening where or when. Each scene introduction provides the audience with vital information in order for the audience to clearly be able to understand Our Town and be able to paint a mental picture of what is being described. The description of the setting in the second scene helps the audience in getting a vivid picture of what Govers Corners looks like from what the Stage Mana ger is saying, â€Å"Its three years later. Its 1904. Its early morning only this time its been raining. Its been pouring and thundering. Mrs. Gibbs garden, and Mrs. Webbs here: drenched. All those bean poles and pea vines: drenched. All yesterday over there on Main Street, the rain looked like curtains being blown† (Wilder 47). Describing the setting and helping the audience paint a mental image is why the Stage Manager is the most important character in the play, especially to the audience. Without the scene transitions the Stage Manager describes, the transition between scenes would be awkward. Descriptive scene introductions arent the only reason the Stage Manager is important. Another reason to why the Stage Manager displays prominent importance over other characters is due to the fact he provides foreshadowing of events throughout the entire play. During the first scene, when Joe Crowell Junior is delivering papers and has a conversation with the Stage Manager, afterwords the Stage Manager informs us of how intelligent and bright Joes future was but then confesses, â€Å"Goin to be a great engineer, Joe was, But the war broke out and he died in France† (Wilder 9). The Stage Manager also foreshadows the death of Mrs. Gibbs by sharing, â€Å"Mrs. Gibbs died first-long time ago, in fact. Shes up in the cemetery there now –in with a whole mess of Gibbses and Herseys,† this foreshadowing prepares the audience to see her in the final act of the play in the cemetery with Emily (Wilder 7). Besides foreshadowing, the Stage Manager is proven to be a very useful resource to the audience when it comes to background information on Grovers Corner. He discusses things and people in town that arent even quite relevant to the main characters, but build a history of the town and paint the image of a wholesome tight knit community. He discusses one of Doc Gibbs cases in the first scene, â€Å"The only lights on in town are in a cottage over by the tracks where a Polish mothers just had twins,† showing his overall knowledge of everyone and everything in the town. The Stage Manager introduces a Professor from the Our Town University named Professor Willard and Editor of Grovers Corner Sentential, Mr. Webb, to educate the audience regarding the towns history. Mr. Webb is direct with the audience, briefing them on general break down of the town explaining, â€Å"All males vote at the age of twenty-one. Women vote indirect. Were lower middle class: sprinkling of professional m en ten per cent illiterate laborers. Politically, were eighty-six per cent Republicans; six per cent Democrats; four per cent Socialists; rest, indifferent. Religiously, were eighty-five per cent Protestants; twelve per cent Catholics; rest, indifferent† (Wilder 25). The Stage Manager acknowledges his expertise of the town and its history, and excuses it by saying, â€Å"In our town we like to know the facts about everybody† (Wilder 7). Yet again, the background information the Stage Manager proves his significance and provides gives the audience an important insight of the town and people so the audience can establish a feeling of realism while reading or watching Our Town. A final reason that the Stage Manager emerges as the most important character in this play is because he pulls the audience into the play which helps the understand the underlying messages of Our town. The main message of this play is that people take life for granted while alive and after they pass they realize how much life is wasted sulking over petty things in life. The character of the Stage Manager is seen helping another primary character named Emily through her recent death while giving child birth. When she asks the dead if she will be able to go back and relive her best memories but the Stage Manager explains, â€Å"You not only live it; but you watch your self living it. And as you watch it, you see the thing that they-down there-never know. You see the future. You know whats going to happen afterward† (Wilder 99). The Stage Manager proves to be the most important character in the play Our Town due to all the helpful information he provides the audience with during the production. The history he provides along with foreshadowing of events and overall general help to the audience, really illustrates how prominent the character of the Stage Manager is. Without the Stage Manager, the play would confuse the audience and it would be hard to understand the literacy aspects behind it, proving that the Stage Manager is the most important character in Thornton Wilders famous play Our Town.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Prayer in the Public School System Essay - 4041 Words

Prayer in the Public School System Over the past thirty years or so the issue of prayer or â€Å"religious expression† in the public school system has brought on heated controversy, but the question is still open for debate---Should students be allowed to have prayer or to express their religious ideals openly in the public schools across America? Many people have attempted to come up with an answer to that question, but, so far no compromise has been agreed upon. This is due to the fact that many people hold strong opinions when it comes to religion and education. As with any argument or debate there are basically two sides, but this conflict has three sides: those people who think that are â€Å"pro-prayer† and believe that there†¦show more content†¦The applicable part of that amendment (freedom of religion) has been broken down into two major clauses which are the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment Clause has been translated as to say the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (Concerned Women for America 1). The second clause deals with exactly what the title implies---the free exercise of religion. It basically states that Congress can make no law prohibiting anyone’s right to freely exercise their religious beliefs (CWA 1). Therefore, students have the same right to engage in individual or group prayer and religious discussion during the school day as they do to engage in other comparable activities (U.S. Dept. Of Education 1). Individual students are free to pray, express, religious viewpoints, read the Bible, and carry on any other form of religious expression as long as they are not being disruptive or disrespectful to the rights of other students. Students are also allowed to participate in religious clubs or groups at school. According the Equal Access Act, if a secondary school permits other extracurricular activities time to meet during non-instructional periods, then religiously affiliated groups must be given equal treatment (American Bar Association 1). Suc h meetings are protected by the Equal Access Act and may include a prayer service, Bible reading, or other worship exercises (U.S. Dept. ofShow MoreRelatedPrayer On Public Schools : The Public School System1032 Words   |  5 PagesAllow Prayer in Public Schools The public school system should allow students, all across the United States of America, to express themselves freely whenever they would like. Most Americans support the idea of allowing students to pray during school. In the year 2001, 66% of Americans voted that they favor the idea of prayer during school; however, 34% opposed the idea of praying during school. In the year 2014, 61% of Americans voted that they support the idea of praying during school; howeverRead MoreEssay on Prayer Should Be Allowed in Public Schools1727 Words   |  7 PagesPrayer Should Be Allowed in Public Schools School prayer is a very controversial issue in today’s society. The issue of school prayer is about whether the public school systems should let the students pray, at the start of the school day, as a class. The issue of school prayer began in the late sixteenth century when people in England did not approve of the way one religion was forced upon them, so the Puritans, known as the Pilgrims decided to come to the colonies. Even in the colonies theRead MoreThe Constitutionality of Prayer in Public Schools Essay698 Words   |  3 PagesMany people agree against prayer in public schools, while others think that people should be able to express their religion in their own ways. In public schools, they are not allowed to hold prayers at all during the school day due to the mixed religion students that are attending the school. Over the past few years, this has become an extremely controversial issue in our nation. Many people find it proper to pray in school but many people also agree that it is extremely wrong and that if thereRead MoreEssay on Prayer Should Not be Allowed in Public Schools1051 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer Should Not be Allowed in Public Schools School prayer is a very controversial issue in today’s society. This issue has been a problem since America was first founded, in that the country was founded on religious beliefs. The Pilgrims wanted to be able to express their beliefs freely, but in England this freedom was not found, so they decided to come to the Americas, where their beliefs could be expressed freely. As time passed they realized that having this kind of freedomRead MoreDownfall of Education System was No School Prayer649 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Since prayer was removed from public school classrooms in 1962, we have had a 6-fold increase in violent crime, our divorce rate has tripled,births to single mothers have increased 5-fold, the teenage suicide rate has tripled, and SAT scores have dropped 10%.(Creation Today). Reasons that represent why prayer and moments of silence should be allowed in the public school system will be expressed. This essay will represent the affirmative stance when regarding this topic of school wide prayer and momentsRead MorePublic Schools Should Not Be The Place For Religious Practices1601 Words   |  7 Pagesto religious freedom. Almost immediately conflicts arose between religions, and their belief systems. No problems seem to arise with teaching religion to children in school until the 1900 s. That is when the courts decided religious instructions in public schools would be deemed unconstitutional. Court cases started around the country with people fighting against religious instruction in public schools, many accusing teachers of putting their beliefs in their teachings. The young, and impressionableRead More Supporting Prayer in Public Schools Essay1078 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Our Father†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Denied For centuries, the debate has existed whether or not to allow prayer in public schools. Many Americans feel it is not right of the schools to teach religion. With all the diversity associated with the United States, public schools cannot select one standard religion to practice, due to the cultural and religious differences in the country. Not only are schools the storm center of controversy involving religious differences, they are the principal institution charged with transmittingRead MoreWhere Liberty Meets Justice Essay1054 Words   |  5 Pagesinfringement on others’ rightful liberties. The fight for organized prayer in public schools is a small, but significant, element of this greater violation. Christians claim to be fighting for their religious rights, and attempt to validate their position by saying optional prayer is not offensive. However, this assertion does not take into account the position it creates for students opposed to prayer. Government-sanctioned prayer denies the fundamental right to freedom that its supporters claimRead MoreRuling Out School Prayer1276 Words   |  6 PagesMany people argue that school prayer is needed in schools, but I think that it is not necessary. I believe that it is not necessary to have prayer during school to please people of one religion. If a person can pray to him/herself, then there is no need for a public prayer. It has already been established in the constitution that school prayer has been banned and it should remain that way. In my opinion it should remain unconstitutional because it interferes with other student’s religion, the intentionRead MorePrayer in School Essay example1375 Words   |  6 Pagesthough public schools today are without school prayer, most schools have replaced prayer, with a Silent moment of reflection. Also, the assumption if there is a God or not is a big question as well. I think prayer should be re-instated into schools, because children should be able to express religion freely. I also feel that lack of discipline; youth pregnancy, dropouts, and violence in schools are other issues that can be more controllable if there were religious classes and school prayer. Public

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causal Layered Analysis Of A Globalisation Artifact

Assessment 2 – Causal Layered Analysis of a Globalisation artefact: â€Å"Frontline – Generation Like Social Media Documentary† (Youtube video) (Frontline, 2017) Introduction With the advent of widespread technology and increasing use of social media platforms globally, social media is becoming one of the most influential and inevitable contemporary communication tool. Some even consider it to be the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution. There is a real shift in communicating with consumers. Consumers are becoming marketers. When kids like something online, it becomes part of the identity that they broadcast to the world. Today, we have, as what is termed in the video - A generation of ‘likes’. Teens are telling the world what they†¦show more content†¦According to 2016 Nielsen Social Media report: â€Å"Thirty-nine percent of heavy social users believe that finding out about products and services is an important reason for using a social network† (Casey, 2017). Besides, as per one survey carried out by the Deloitte firm, more than half of the respondents ranked â€Å"reviews from people within their social media cir cles† in their top three influencers (Taylor, 2016). †¢ Social causes/ Systemic views Digging a little deeper to look at the systemic causes - the analysis of why people hold to these views reveal some interesting information. The analysis level elucidates that for the above-mentioned litany: youngsters’ quest for identity through social media, was triggered because social media is easily available and accessible. It is cheap and almost free. It is the simplicity factor. There has been the technology boom and networking is on the go. Besides, according to a report done by a US market research company, there are now more mobile devices on the planet than people – 8.6 billion devices vs. 7.3 billion people (, 2015). Mobile phones companies are offering 24hours connectivity with attractive phone packages. There is also the herd mentality (greenfinch, 2017) and peer pressure – because people are craving for fame, attention, popularity, social validation and inclusion. They seek relationships with others to express their feelings. This has led to â€Å"FOMO†

Leadership Skills and Strategic Change

Question: Write an essay on leadership skills and strategic change. Answer: Introduction The modern day business rivalry is marked with constant changes within resource allocation and subsequent deployment so as to achieve the needed objectives. Different virtues of effective leadership will be discussed that are inherent in implementing successful change agenda in organisations leading to growth and development. Different stakeholders are associated with an entity all of whom have an inherent interest in the functioning of the organisation. As such change management is implemented based upon assessing opportunities, designing approaches and effective leadership skills for successful implementation. Week 1 It has been rightly opined that the only thing that is constant is change. I have observed that strategic change is ushered in by the help of the strategic leader and managers. Forces for change can be classified broadly into two types: Internal and external. Within external forces factors of economy, politics, culture, demography and technology exists. Internal forces comprises of factors of performance, leadership, satisfaction, mission and conflict (Burnes, 2004). Any change agenda brings with it resistance. This resistance stems from managerial response, communication, empathy, support and others. I have also observed that there are 4 phases of the transition to the change process which are denial, resistance, commitment and exploration Example of successful change management can be seen in British Airways in 1981. More recent instance of change management can be seen from the example of California State University when the IT system changes at the main campus were to be synchron ised with the 23 campuses. Week 2 Individual change is brought in by the help of the behavioural as well as psychodynamic approach (Conway and Monks, 2011). Within the behavioural approach actions that are both positive and negative are utilised in order to evoke the necessary change within an individual. Reward is associated with any changes so as to make the change process rewarding. Punishment is also applied for undesired behaviour that also reduces resistance to changes. Within the psychodynamic approach old status quo is gradually replaced by the process of accommodation and integration. The culture shock curve is also helpful in depicting the process of acclimatisation starting with the honeymoon period and reaching a stage of adaption (Farh et al, 2007). Week 3 Aspect of leadership plays a vital role in the process of change management. It has been stated that key to resolve resistance and make individuals conform to change agenda. Both the universalistic and contingency approaches stresses on the attributes of leaders for bringing in desired outcomes among subjects. The universalistic approach focuses on the present circumstances and deals with universal applicability of the change doctrine whereas the contingency approach contemplates future uncertainties and prepares recourses for dealing with it (Gelfand et al, 2007). In this vein it can also be stated that both task oriented and relationship oriented approaches are highly solicited for bringing in the needed change. Four styles of individual behaviour have been classified. These are low readiness level, moderate readiness level, high readiness level and very high readiness level. The appropriate leadership style for each of these characteristics are telling, selling, participating and delegating (Gill, 2003). Week 4 There are different attributes of a successful leader. Some of the attributes of a successful leader is intelligence, honesty, enthusiasm, desire to lead, interpersonal skills, diplomacy, inner drive, tenacity and flexibility. It can be stated that change management is created as a result of team work and organisation. Effective are those leaders that give the employees the freedom to use his own analytical skills in problem solving. For a leader to be effective it is imperative that he focuses on strengths of the people rather than their weaknesses. Therefore effective leaders are those individuals that treats mistake as opportunities for learning (Harris and Ogbonna, 2002). Aspect of leadership and successful change management can be seen from the change management at Shell in 2004 when the new CEO Jeroen van der Veer engaged on some drastic change management for tackling the crisis. Week 5 Usually planned changes take place within organisations that are goal oriented. Two main objectives of planned change are: i) To improve the ability of an organisation to adapt to external changes in the environment. ii) To change behaviour of the employees and make them flexible in order to make them supple. Analysis of the macro level factors is also imperative while planning for change. Macro level analysis takes into account the examination of political, environmental, social, technological, environmental and legal. Thus changes that are planned are implemented in organisations taking in account the factors of PESTLE. Also the organisations also seek to enhance the flexibility of organisations and the employees with an aim to make the organisation lither. Another highly challenging change process can be seen from the formation of Direct Line Group, the former insurance division of the RBS group. Week 6 Lewins three stage model of planned change is quite useful in understanding the change management process. It starts with unfreeze stage, moves onto change stage and finally the refreeze stage (Lundy and Morin, 2013). In the unfreeze stage it is ensured that the employees are ready for change. The change stage involves the execution of the intended change and the refreeze stage ensures that the change is ingrained. The positive model associated with the change management is also effective. In the positive model focus is on creating a positive vision, greater motivation and commitment to the change process. Again organisational change strategies are based upon participative evolution, forced evaluation, charismatic transformation and dictatorial transformation (McCann et al, 2008). Week 7 Five virtues that go into effective change management are vision, skills, incentives, resources and action plan. Without vision there will be confusion in the change process. Without skills there will be anxiety. Without incentives there will be resistance in the change process. Without resources there will be only frustration and lack of action plan will lead to false starts. Personal leadership calls for authenticity, integrity and purposefulness that go a long way in ushering the needed change. Leadership calls for involvement, ownership and commitment. Again there are two forces at play within a change management process. This are driving forces that are positive and restraining forces that are obstacles to change (Conway and Monks, 2011). Case study of Ooredoo can also be evaluated to understand change management for the purpose of consolidation. In 2012 the company started a drive to integrate its 17 diverse telecom operators under one umbrella telecommunication brand Ooredo. Week 8 Resistance to change occurs from organisational causes, group causes and individual causes. Within organisational cause inertia, culture, structure, deficiency in rewards and poor timing are the main causes. Group causes for resistance to change are norms, cohesion and leadership. Individual reasons are fear of the unknown, failure, job security, personal characteristics and previous experiences. Overcoming resistance to change includes the factors of education, communication, participation, involvement, support, negotiation, cooperation and coercion (Lundy and Morin, 2013). Some of the responses to change are working with the individual, trust building, reward, compromise, concrete act and alleviating fears. Cultural values and organisational customs are also influential in bringing changes in an organisation. Organisational culture is emboldened by the behaviour of leaders within an organisation. Week 9 There are five leadership qualities that support change. These are classified as the edgy catalyser, the visionary motivator, the measured connector, the tenacious implementer and the thoughtful architect (Harris, and Ogbonna, 2002). These five leadership styles are unique and operate distinctively so as to enthuse the followers and achieve the results. As such effective leadership skills needed for guiding a change is to embrace the subjects with positive benefits of the change. Communication skills are inherently important skill and element within change management in organisations. The aspect of organisational culture is also evident by the behaviours and individuals within that organisation (Burnes, 2004). Week 10 Experts have pointed out that the process of change is arduous at the beginning, disorganized in the middle and satisfying at the end. Change process has been divided into four stages: Planned, unplanned, evolutionary and revolutionary. Within organisations focus is on implementing planned changes so as to ensure competitive advantage within the business environment. Planned change also calls for specific decision making with an eye on the precise issue. Poor change management is associated with ineffective leadership and managerial inefficiency. For effective change management free flow of ideas and communication is mandatory (Conway and Monks, 2011). As such creative culture in an organisation helps in generating greater conformity and constructive deviance. Conclusion The module on leadership and strategic change was spread over 10 weeks covering diverse aspect of leadership and covered topics that will help me in the future. From the module I have learned about different aspect of leadership and the various facets that go on to make a successful leader and their subsequent application on strategic change. Successful change management in real life scenarios have also been stated by illustrating cases of British Airways, Shell, Ooredo, Direct Line and so on. I have also learned that communication plays a vital role in driving successful change process in organisations leading to growth and development for organisations. References: Burnes, B. 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Lundy, V. and Morin, P.-P. (2013), Project Leadership Influences Resistance to Change: The Case of the Canadian Public Service.Project Management Journal, 44 (3): 4564 McCann, L., Morris, J. and Hassard, J. (2008) "Normalized Intensity: The New Labour Process of Middle Management." Journal of Management Studies 45(2): 343-371